Monthly Income investment plan A monthly income investment plan is a way through which investors can receive a certain amount of money on a monthly basis. Especially in the sector of mutual funds investment these type of plan is also known as mutual fund monthly income plan or mutual funds monthly guaranteed income plan. Unlike a normal monthly income plan offered by various insurance companies monthly income investment plan offered by mutual funds companies are more profitable and normally this (MIP) s are hybrid - debt mutual funds where they use hybrid instrument to invest money of the investors mostly they invest money into the market stocks where the main goal of this plan is to provide a monthly income the investor. whereas when it comes to monthly income insurance policies things are little different they also provide insurance cover to protect the insured party and in very rare cases, maturity benefit payment when the time perio...
Regardless of being easy and hassle-free, mutual funds investment in India can be very complicated if you are not aware of how to get started with it.